Homemade Grass Fed Beef Tortillas

Homemade Grass Fed Beef Tortillas

Homemade tortillas, wrapped around some grass fed Mexican beef mince, with sour cream and crunchy iceberg lettuce.  A nourishing meal for the family or a casual meal for a crowd and the tortillas are great for a healthy lunch wrap if you have some remaining after everyone’s had their dinner fill!

In case you didn’t know – it’s pronounced  taw-tee-uh  –  there is no ‘L’ sound.  For Spanish words, a single ‘L’ is pronounced as an ‘L’, where as a double ‘L’ is pronounced as a ‘Y’. So now you know – even if you hadn’t asked!

I recently tried making these tortilla wraps and given their easiness and the thumbs up feedback from the family, I thought I’d share them with you.  I firstly made the mince from this previous recipe of mine – Mexican Beef Mince with Roast Sweet Potato, then let it simmer very slowly on the stovetop while I made the dough for the tortillas.

For the tortillas.



3 cups plain flour

1 teaspoons sea salt

1 teaspoon baking powder

1/3 cup olive oil

1 cup warm water



Place the flour, sea salt and baking powder in a bowl.  Add the oil and water to the flour mix and stir until a dough begins to form.  Next, use your hands and work into a smooth dough – knead briefly.  Divide the dough into 16 pieces, roll each into a ball, flatten slightly and cover with a clean tea towel. Leave to stand for at least 15 minutes.

Dust your bench surface with flour, take a rolling pin (rub with flour) and roll out each ball to a circle a little bigger than a bread and butter plate. You can tease them out into a circle with your hands before rolling.

Take a large frypan on a medium heat and drizzle some olive oil in the pan.  Once the pan is hot, place the tortillas into the pan one at a time and cook until browned spots begin to form underneath. Flip and cook the other side. Cook until all 16 tortillas are completed.

As the tortillas are cooked, add them to a plate and cover them with a clean tea towel. This will help them to stay soft and pliable – especially for next day use.

Each time I’ve cooked these I’ve had one of our sons helping me – one of us has cooked while the other rolls them out. It’s a fun thing to do together.  The tortillas are super easy to cook – there is no stickage on the pan at all, so you can have a bit of fun turning them by flipping them in the pan!

Once all the tortillas are cooked – place them, along with the fillings, in the centre of the table for the family or kids to enjoy wrapping their own – the beef mince, chopped iceberg lettuce, sour cream and the warm tortillas. Of course you can add any other fillings you like. Avocado is quite a nice addition.

Build, eat, nourish, enjoy!

Kirrily x