Grass Fed Beef for the Summer Season
Relaxed summer eating – who doesn’t love it! Enjoy sitting outside amongst the scent of the cool evening air and the mouth-watering smells coming from the steaks sizzling on the BBQ. There’s lots of ways to cook in summer that are quick and create little heat in the house, and provide wonderful healthful meals with great grass fed beef.
We have a variety of nourishing grass fed beef hampers with a selection of cuts to give you a summer season full of fabulous meals to share with friends and family. The beef that Derek and I produce on our farm is 100% grass fed & finished and it’s free of pesticides – because that’s what we want for our family, so why would we produce it any other way! Plus our sausages are preservative and gluten free.
With the flavour of our grass fed beef, all you’ll need on your steak is some sea salt and cracked black pepper, a fresh salad on the side and some crisped potato rounds. For us, with our boys now in their teens, barbequing is great because they are happy to take on the cooking – chillaxing outside with the steaks and ‘taties’ on the hotplate for dinner!
There’s so much more to summer than a steak on the BBQ though – pop some Red Wine and Soy Marinated Kebabs or home-made herbed rissoles on the BBQ; stir fry with your favourite Asian flavours or whip up some good old spaghetti bolognaise.
Our Summer Wholesome Hamper is perfect for all of these, with succulent grilling steaks – scotch fillet, sirloin, t-bone, rump, plus topside and boneless blade steaks for thin slicing for lovely stir fries (try our Beef & Vegetable Stir Fry with Cashews & Fresh Basil or this great Thai Beef Salad). There are ribs for roasting or BBQing and mince and sausages for an array of easy and healthy summer meals. Try our San Choi Bao and get your fingers a little bit messy!
This Summer Wholesome Hamper is actually an eighth share in the cuts from the animal, with the slow cooking cuts ground for extra mince and sausages, but if you’re still keen in summer for the health benefits of slow cooking, then choose our traditional Wholesome Hamper as it has those lovely collagen rich cuts.
The Classic BBQ and the Premium BBQ Hampers are also great for the BBQ lover – these hampers have all the best grilling steaks (including eye fillets) plus mince and sausages. Everything you’ll love for the BBQ plate.
The Classic BBQ Hamper is great if you have smaller freezer space as it is just 9.5kg. The Premium BBQ has some extra steaks at 12kg.
Of course you can choose from any of our Hampers – there are larger hampers for those with a family and smaller hampers for couples and singles. I’m sure any questions you have about delivery, adding bones and offal to your hamper and more, will be answered in our Frequently Asked Questions.
With family here over summer, I’m planning a big sticky ribs cook-up with a dill potato salad, Derek’s going to pre-make some of his Home-Made Sausage Rolls for the freezer to pull out when feeling lazy and I’m going to take it easy one night with a whole heap of our sausages on the BBQ with a salad and served with some of this Sweet and Tangy Tomato Relish that I made with the mass of cherry tomatoes I had last summer.
Hamper orders can be placed here.
Enjoy your summer grass fed beef eating!
Kirrily x